Accommodation for Pilgrims

Experiencing Rome and the Vatican in the Slovenian atmosphere is not something individual; the added value is meeting with other compatriots, sharing their experiences and insights, and, at the same time, meeting with priests and religious women from Asia and Africa. In such an atmosphere, every visitor can breathe with full lungs and be what they do not dare to be in their home environment – a complete, sincere, benevolent and satisfied person. Rich artistic furnishings, an indoor chapel, various terraces and balconies, as well as an inner courtyard, surrounded, despite the busy road, by the freshness and serenity of the archaic Appian Park, where a thousand-year history is present – all this contributes to a unique experience of oneself in time and space. Despite the favourable accommodation prices, there is awareness that in this way, we support the Slovenian house in Rome and new hope for missionary lands.

Various thematic pilgrimage initiatives for members of spiritual movements, class associations, professional associations, and work groups can be expected in the future. A themed pilgrimage for individual professional or field associations and groups is the most powerful experience for establishing new relationships at the workplace or in the local environment.

Pastoral Offer for Slovenians in Rome

Slovenians in Rome have always been closely connected and active. We preserve this decades-long tradition and, following the wishes of the Slovenian Bishops’ Conference, continue and develop it. The annual meeting on the Immaculate Conception and Saint Nicholas, which allows for a personal holiday greeting, can be transformed into a monthly practice. For more and more Slovenians, Rome is not just a place to wander around the city for a few days but a place of new possibilities, activities and ambitions in various fields. Young athletes, Erasmus exchange participants, specialists, and researchers always find hospitality and their piece of home in Slovenik.

Spiritual Renewals And Retreats

The history of Slovenik speaks of rich and well-attended retreats for priests, religious, or lay people. This type of opportunity also exists for families, young people, future confirmands, singing groups, parish pastoral council members, and so on. The added value of the retreats in Slovenik is the meeting with Roman places and saints, whether they are apostles, martyrs, or various religious founders.

Also, a stay in Slovenik provides a pleasant experience for a one-day spiritual renewal of a religious community or an interest association, as the common spaces, chapel, terraces, and greenery in the yard help us find peace of mind, enable us to meet with what is deepest in us and encourage us to become more and more a person of relationship.

Lenten Pilgrimage on Foot to Seven Basilicas

In recent times, there has been a lot of talk about the synodality of the Church, which, in reality, is the way of the first beginnings of Christianity. It is not something static and theoretical but rather walking in a community: a community of fear, disappointment, hope, flight, suffering, new joy, and courage. The above depends on whether we are experiencing Emmaus, the Mount of Olives, the Temple Mount, Samaria, the Sea of ​​Galilee, or the calvary of life.

Cultural And Spiritual National Centre

Culture is a force of spirit that should not sell itself to the banality of interests and influences. The richness of the nation’s culture, traditions, art, places and natural features expresses the spiritual awareness of one’s superiority and involvement in both the past and the future. If none of the above is present, the only thing that follows is withering and a desperate end. Slovenian cheerfulness and richness of life can inspire and, simultaneously invite many from different places worldwide to yearn to experience Slovenia for themselves, that paradise below Triglav, where hearty, honest and hardworking people live.